Monday, February 25, 2008


NUMBER 1 (BIRTH DATES – 1, 10, 19, 28)It’s a month of positive changes in your personal and professional life. You may have to befriend people you may not really like. Several outine issues in the office will get solved easily. Sundays should be especially set aside for spiritualism. Those in the government ervice or the military will do well. You have the Sun number and you are expected to analyse situations and forge ahead.

NUMBER 2 (BIRTH DATES – 2, 11, 20, 29)New developments in your career are expected. Those in love will find their partners very appreciative. There is a likelihood of getting married to the same person. Your family is your source of strength. Women in the legal and medical and health related fields would do very well. White colour is good for you. Forgive people for their trespasses. Develop a catholic attitude towards life.

NUMBER 3 (BIRTH DATES – 3, 12, 21, 30)Jupiter smiles on you. A great contact regarding business will help you to tide over the financial hassles you may encounter. Those in the communications, catering business, shipping and the IT will do very well. Your family members will be with you and total support will be got from them. Children will do very well in studies. Job seekers will get good offers. Property matters have to e looked into this month.

NUMBER 4 (BIRTH DATES – 4, 13, 22, 31)Blessed with a keen sense of right and wrong, you are about to launch yourself firmly in work or business. Your mind may work very fast, but do give credence to elders advising you. Money has to be carefully used and saved. Many of you may not take care about your looks, but this is the most important part of image. Pay attention to your grooming and personality.

NUMBER 5 (BIRTH DATES –5, 14, 23)This is a month of appiness and achievements in your professional life. Those in the writing, teaching, public speaking or training fields will do very well. Mercury is beneficial to you. Your sense of judgement will be top class. Health has to be taken care of especially your chest and your eyes. Take criticisms with a pinch of salt and move ahead. May of you will achieve fame and recognition.

NUMBER 6(BIRTH DATES – 6, 15, 24)Born in the beauty number you have a strong tendency to attract the best towards you. Jealousy will be there. Make sure you are firm in your decisions and you are able to lay timetable for others to follow. Those in the cosmetics, pharmacy, clothes designing, art and modelling will do very well. Your charm and luck will influence your family members too.

NUMBER 7 (BIRTH DATES – 7, 16, 25)Saturdays are good days for you. Business contacts and relationships go hand in hand. Romance is truly in the air. Go out for a romantic evening on a Saturday. It’s a time to forget the breaking relationships. Old and strained contacts will give way for new and beneficial ones. Considering the fact you would have worked hard the previous months, things now happen with just luck. Go out and seeks new opportunities. Health will be fine this month. Those in the writing, catering, shipping, airlines and the cine field will do very well professionally.

NUMBER 8 (BIRTH DATES – 8, 17, 26)You are a spiritualist by nature and endowed with a strong sense of intuition. Those in the oil or steel business will do very well. Brace yourself for good and positive happenings in your work area. Be good to family members. A family member will help and support you. Saturn has to be meditated upon for great changes. Friends come in need during times of trouble. Do ultivate new friends.

NUMBER 9 (BIRTH DATES – 9, 18, 27)Your power comes from within. Your will power is strong and you will now launch yourself firmly in the hall of fame. Your past elationships do matter as you now plunge yourself to strengthen them. Success is yours for the asking. Do make elaborate plans and move into the limelight. Anger has to be controlled. Meditation and relaxation should be constant companions. On the whole, it’s a great month.

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