Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I found the following quite interesting article in Business Week. It is all about the world's happiest countries list.These places are definitely a Tourist's delight.Every one of us will be exciting to know what made these countries to stay top in the list. Just go through the countries one by one .Also watch the sllide show these countries.

Feeling blue? Perhaps you live in the wrong country. A recent study from Britain's University of Leicester examined a range of statistical data to devise a ranking of the world's happiest nations. Heading up the list: Denmark, which rose to the top thanks to its wealth, natural beauty, small size, quality education, and good health care. At the bottom were Zimbabwe and Burundi. But there were a few surprises along the way, too. Asian countries scored worse than researcher Adrian White expected. Capitalism — sometimes criticized for its heartlessness — was far from a source of discontent, though the top-scoring capitalist countries also tended to have strong social services. And the U.S. ranked only 23rd, due to nagging poverty and spotty health care.

Population: 5.5 million
Life Expectancy: 77.8 years
GDP Per Capita: $34,600
With a high standard of living, negligible poverty, and a broad range of public and social services, it's easy to see why Denmark tops the happiness map. There's a high level of education; public schools are top-quality and private ones are affordable. The low population gives the nation a strong sense of identity. And Denmark's physical beauty forms a great backdrop to daily life. The weather is a bit tough, though.

No. 2: Switzerland
Population: 7.5 million

Life Expectancy: 80.5 years
GDP Per Capita: $32,300
Smack in the middle of Europe and surrounded by picture-postcard scenery, Switzerland ranks second among the world's happiest countries. It has a low crime rate, good infrastructure, and a wealth of outdoor activities, from skiing in the Alps to boating on Lake Geneva. Home to the International Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and parts of the U.N., it's not surprising that the Swiss devote a large portion of private and public money to health care — spending an average of $3,445 per person. It's pretty peaceful, too: years of political neutrality have sheltered the Swiss from the conflicts of their neighbors.

No. 3: Austria
Population: 8.2 million

Life Expectancy: 79 years
GDP Per Capita: $32,700
Another Alpine hotbed of happiness, Austria also boasts beautiful scenery and a surprisingly rich cultural scene. Like many of the world's happiest countries, it boasts a strong health-care system, as evidenced by the long average life expectancy of its citizens. Strict environmental regulations are starting to pay dividends, says Oskar Hinteregger, of the Austrian National Tourist Office. He credits the country's happy mood to its relaxed atmosphere, efficient public transport system, and general cleanliness. Austria does have some poverty, though: nearly 6%.

No. 4: Iceland
Population: 300,000

Life Expectancy: 80 years
GDP Per Capita: $35,600
There's more to Iceland than hot springs and Björk. The tiny country's extensive welfare system plays a big part in its citizens' happiness. The Icelandic government offers a broad range of services, such as generous housing subsidies, and with very little poverty, wealth is evenly distributed among Icelandic society. Literacy is high and unemployment, at 2.1%, is low.

No. 5: Bahamas
Population: 303,800

Life Expectancy: 65.6 years
GDP Per Capita: $20,200
Bahamanians know how to enjoy life. “Maybe it's our 'Bahama Mamas,' our sweet sea breeze, our conch salad, and fun loving people,” suggests Kendenique Campbell-Moss, a senior executive at the Bahamas Tourism Ministry. Although the poverty rate, at 9.3%, is relatively high, the beautiful weather and laid-back lifestyle keep Bahamas' citizens smiling. Campbell-Moss also reckons the fusion of African and European cultures, strong family values, and Christianity contribute to the happy vibe in the Caribbean country.

No. 6: Finland
Population: 5.2 million

Life Expectancy: 78.5 years
GDP Per Capita: $30,900
It's dark and cold in the winter and has some of the highest taxes in Europe. But that doesn't get in the way of Finns' overall happiness. High quality medical care — at little to no cost — contributes to the country's high average life expectancy. The country's free educational system is one of the best, resulting in a 100% literacy rate. Poverty is rare; so too, is extreme wealth. “Our beloved government makes sure that taxes are high enough to prevent easy ways to riches,” says Jaakko Lehtonen, director-general of the Finnish Tourism Board. “Finns think a good salary is two cents higher than your neighbor's; it's enough to make you feel wealthy and subsequently, happy,” he says.

No. 7: Sweden
Population: 9 million

Life Expectancy: 80.50 years
GDP Per Capita: $29,800
Taxes are high and the winter is trying. But social equality, one of the best welfare systems in Europe, and a great work/life balance keep Swedes smiling. Parents get extensive maternity and paternity leave, and child care is heavily subsidized and available to all. Sweden also has unusually transparent government and a strong emphasis on ensuring the freedom and equality of its people. “Ordinary citizens in Sweden have the right to see the prime minister's official mail, and they often exercise that right,” notes Susanna Wallgren, of the Swedish Tourism Board.

No. 8: Bhutan
Population: 2.3 million

Life Expectancy: 55 years
GDP Per Capita: $1,400
Here's a surprise: The small Asian nation of Bhutan ranks eighth in the world, despite relatively low life expectancy, a literacy rate of just 47%, and a very low GDP per capita. Why? Researchers credit an unusually strong sense of national identity. Plus, the country has beautiful scenery and a largely unspoiled culture, thanks to strict governmental limits on tourism, development, and immigration. Pretty counterintuitive, but Bhutan seems to have found a recipe for happiness.

No. 9: Brunei
Population: 380,000

Life Expectancy: 75
GDP Per Capita: $23,600
It helps to have oil. Wealthy and politically stable, Brunei's government plays a major role in its citizens' happiness. The same family has ruled the Southeast Asian nation for more than six centuries, providing free medical services and education. Even university-level education is paid for by the government, which also subsidizes rice and housing. That ensures virtually nonexistent poverty.

No. 10: Canada
Population: 33 million

Life Expectancy: 80 years
GDP Per Capita: $34,000
Canada may sometimes feel overshadowed by its giant neighbor to the south, but a strong sense of national identity and abundant natural beauty help make the sprawling and sparsely populated country one of the world's happiest. Canada also punches above its weight economically, with a huge $1.1 trillion GDP and per-capita that ranks among the world's highest. It also has strong health care and a low crime rate.

No. 11: Ireland
Population: 4 million

Life Expectancy: 77.7 years
GDP Per Capita: $41,000
Once so poor that its citizens fled by the millions, the Celtic Tiger has enjoyed unprecedented economic growth over the past dozen years. Credit membership in the European Union and a can-do attitude has raised standards of living and even lured former immigrants back home. The excellent education system, open economy, and relaxed pace of life all contribute to the overall happiness of the Irish.

No. 12: Luxembourg
Population: 474,500Life Expectancy: 79 yearsGDP Per Capita: $55,600Luxembourg's position proves that sometimes money can buy happiness. It has the highest GDP per capita in the world. And with great access to education, 100% of the population is literate. The people of Luxembourg should find comfort in their surroundings, too. Mercer Resource Human Consulting ranked the city-state as the safest in the world in 2005.

Monday, February 25, 2008


A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.– Lord Acton

We cannot advance without new experiments in living, but no wise man tries every day what he has proved wrong the day before.– James Truslow Adams

One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well.– Amos Bronson Alcott

Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart. – Alan Alda

Wise people, even though all laws were abolished, would still lead the same life. – Aristophanes

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. –Sholom Aleichem

It is impossible to love and to be wise.– Francis Bacon

The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.– Washington Allston

Wise men argue causes; fools decide them.– Anacharsis

Even a fool knows you can’t touch the stars, but it doesn’t stop a wise man from trying.– Harry Anderson

The wise learn many things from their foes.– Aristophanes

The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.– Aristotle

A wise person decides slowly but abides by these decisions.– Arthur Ashe

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.– Buddha

It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final.– Roger Babson

Wise men make more opportunities than they find.– Francis Bacon

Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.– Douglas Bader

Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and a happy purchase.– John Balguy

Why grab possessions like thieves, or divide them like socialists when you can ignore them like wise men?– Natalie Clifford Barney

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.– Matsuo Basho

Education, n.: That which discloses the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.– Ambrose Bierce The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.– William Blake

Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise... specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine.– Allan Bloom

Man is wise and constantly in quest of more wisdom; but the ultimate wisdom, which deals with beginnings, remains locked in a seed. There it lies, the simplest fact of the universe and at the same time the one which calls forth faith rather than reason.– Hal Borland

Of all the arts in which the wise excel, nature’s chief masterpiece is writing well.– Andre Breton

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish peopl e are idle, wise people are diligent.– Buddha


NUMBER 1 (BIRTH DATES – 1, 10, 19, 28)It’s a month of positive changes in your personal and professional life. You may have to befriend people you may not really like. Several outine issues in the office will get solved easily. Sundays should be especially set aside for spiritualism. Those in the government ervice or the military will do well. You have the Sun number and you are expected to analyse situations and forge ahead.

NUMBER 2 (BIRTH DATES – 2, 11, 20, 29)New developments in your career are expected. Those in love will find their partners very appreciative. There is a likelihood of getting married to the same person. Your family is your source of strength. Women in the legal and medical and health related fields would do very well. White colour is good for you. Forgive people for their trespasses. Develop a catholic attitude towards life.

NUMBER 3 (BIRTH DATES – 3, 12, 21, 30)Jupiter smiles on you. A great contact regarding business will help you to tide over the financial hassles you may encounter. Those in the communications, catering business, shipping and the IT will do very well. Your family members will be with you and total support will be got from them. Children will do very well in studies. Job seekers will get good offers. Property matters have to e looked into this month.

NUMBER 4 (BIRTH DATES – 4, 13, 22, 31)Blessed with a keen sense of right and wrong, you are about to launch yourself firmly in work or business. Your mind may work very fast, but do give credence to elders advising you. Money has to be carefully used and saved. Many of you may not take care about your looks, but this is the most important part of image. Pay attention to your grooming and personality.

NUMBER 5 (BIRTH DATES –5, 14, 23)This is a month of appiness and achievements in your professional life. Those in the writing, teaching, public speaking or training fields will do very well. Mercury is beneficial to you. Your sense of judgement will be top class. Health has to be taken care of especially your chest and your eyes. Take criticisms with a pinch of salt and move ahead. May of you will achieve fame and recognition.

NUMBER 6(BIRTH DATES – 6, 15, 24)Born in the beauty number you have a strong tendency to attract the best towards you. Jealousy will be there. Make sure you are firm in your decisions and you are able to lay timetable for others to follow. Those in the cosmetics, pharmacy, clothes designing, art and modelling will do very well. Your charm and luck will influence your family members too.

NUMBER 7 (BIRTH DATES – 7, 16, 25)Saturdays are good days for you. Business contacts and relationships go hand in hand. Romance is truly in the air. Go out for a romantic evening on a Saturday. It’s a time to forget the breaking relationships. Old and strained contacts will give way for new and beneficial ones. Considering the fact you would have worked hard the previous months, things now happen with just luck. Go out and seeks new opportunities. Health will be fine this month. Those in the writing, catering, shipping, airlines and the cine field will do very well professionally.

NUMBER 8 (BIRTH DATES – 8, 17, 26)You are a spiritualist by nature and endowed with a strong sense of intuition. Those in the oil or steel business will do very well. Brace yourself for good and positive happenings in your work area. Be good to family members. A family member will help and support you. Saturn has to be meditated upon for great changes. Friends come in need during times of trouble. Do ultivate new friends.

NUMBER 9 (BIRTH DATES – 9, 18, 27)Your power comes from within. Your will power is strong and you will now launch yourself firmly in the hall of fame. Your past elationships do matter as you now plunge yourself to strengthen them. Success is yours for the asking. Do make elaborate plans and move into the limelight. Anger has to be controlled. Meditation and relaxation should be constant companions. On the whole, it’s a great month.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Indian Airlines
Booking Office Tel 23238902/141
Tele Check in Tel 27896555
Recorded Flight Information Tel 142
Enquiry (Air Port) Tel 140
Arrival Tel:9627-011-142
Departure Tel:9627-011-143
Air India
Tel- 23241383/23233119, 23232747
Manager AP :23389767
Cargo Sales Manager:23389716
Reservation Manager:23389734
Main Passenger Counter:23389777/31
Officer Customer Services:23389733
Miss Handled Baggage Section:23389719/20
Airport Manager:23389723

Air Port(Tele-check in) Tel :27900118
Enquiry Tel:27905851,27902089,23401222,23401223,23405155
Flight Enquiry-IVR Tel:27900382,27902819

Saturday, February 23, 2008


With the prestigious international airports due to open next month, both the cities are gearing for the air traffic battle- able to cater to the needs of 30 jet flights per hour in rush hours ,the Bangalore international airport (BIAL)is gearing for the final touches.Both the Hyderabad and Bangalore international airports are due to open by next month-The Shamsabad international Airport(Hyderabad) is scheduled to be inaugurated by the Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi on 16th of March and the Bangalore international Air terminus is scheduled to be inagurated on 30th March by the Prime minister of India Mr.Manmohan Singh.Both these International Airports have so many similarities .A critical review of both of them....

Bangalore is an established name among the circles of software industry and Hyderabad fast catched the software boom and became a critical of IT and ITES next to Bangalore in South India.Both these airports were established with a capital of 2,5oo crores.The Bangalore International Airport is going to be developed further in second phase with one more 2,500 crores.Both are built in the record span of lessthan three years.31 months for Shamsabad and 33 months for Bangalore airport.

GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited is located approximately 22 kms from Hyderabad city on a 5,400 acre site.It will have an ultimate capacity of 50 million passengers per annum and is designed to handle New Large Aircrafts (NLA), including the Airbus A380. The modular design of the airport will allow incremental expansion of each area, without major rebuilding or operational disruption.

The works of Shamsabad are being executed by GMR group in partenership with Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad and both the State Government of Andhra Pradesh and Airports Authority of India (AAI). GMR Group holds 63% of the equity, MAHB 11%, while the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Airports Authority of India each hold 13%. (A public-Private partnership model ,first of its kind in India) .

Facilities in Initial Phase

Terminal Area 105,300 sq.m (including undercroft)
Peak Hour passenger Capacity 3,200
Boarding Bridges 12
Baggage Handling System In-Line X-Ray
Length 4260 m

Width 60 m

Shoulder 7.5 m

Length 4260 m

Width 45 m

Shoulder 7.5m
Apron Area 1,37,000 sq m
Airfield Ground Lighting ---- CAT 1 ( Both Ends)
Cargo Capacity
100,000 tonnes / year

The Lufthansa flight service coming from FrankFurt will be the first commercial plane landing in Shamsabad International Airport.

Bangalore International Airport (BIAL)

"Brand Bangalore " is a big already an established name .This international airport is going to take it further a head.The BIAL work is executed by private promoters holding 74% equity stake and the state holding the remaining 26%. The private promoters include Siemens Projects Ventures, Larsen & Toubro and Unique Zurich Airport.The two state promoters are the Karnataka State Investment and Industrial Development Corporation and the Airports Authority of India.

The AIR INDIA flight coming from Singapore will be landing in BIAL and that will kickstart services from BIAL.

Length of Runway -4,000 meters

Check in Counters -- 54
Immigration Counters -- 18
These Two International airports are going to become a boon to the international Passengers ,Tourists and the regularly commuting business men from abroad to India.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008



-To beat jetlag, book an overnight flight or one that arrives in the evening when travelling east so you can either catch your sleep on the flight or as soon as you get in to your destination.

-To prevent the swelling of feet as is wont to happen on long flights, walk in the aisle at intervals and try not to take off your shoes.

-Refrain from OD-ing on the free booze when on a flight, as too much alcohol causes dehydration. Tank up instead on aqua-pura.

-When making flight reservation, remember to request for special meals if you have any food restrictions.

-After September 11, airlines follow very strict security procedures. So make sure you reach the airport for check in well before departure time. Its best to check with the airline regarding how much in advance you should be at the airport.

-If your baggage does not arrive on the same flight as you, fill out a Property Irregularity Report (PIR), with a description of the baggage, a list of contents and address to which it should be forwarded. If your baggage does not arrive at all, place a claim with the airline within 21 days.

-Overbooking is a fact of life in the airline industry. If you are not in a particular hurry to get to your destination then volunteer to give your seat up and take the next flight. The airline will provide you a hotel room and other frills, so you can end up having an extended vacation at the airlines expense!

-Do not accept any package from a stranger.

-For a smooth ride on a plane, choose the seats located near the wings as if the plane hits an air pocket, this is where you will get the least amount of bumps.

-If you are planning to watch the in flight movie, choose the fourth or fifth row from the screen to avoid getting a neck cramp.

-If you are prone to motion sickness, take an anti sickness pill before the flight. The pill won't help much, if you have it after you have started feeling sick!

-Abide by the list of items prohibited on board and carry most items like skis/cues/walking canes/sticks/Swiss knives in checked in baggage

- this smoothens the check-in process plus avoids the risk of confiscation and unnecessary delays.

-Last and this is equally important
- report any unattended items in the airport or aircraft to the nearest airport or airline personnel.


-Keep track of the weather at your destination and be prepared, especially if you are going to a hurricane prone area.


-Make your hotel reservations in advance, especially if you are visiting a place in peak season. You don’t want to be caught without a roof over your head!

-Negotiating room tariffs over the phone? Call the hotel twice to confirm the rates. Note down the name of the person you have talked to and request a written/faxed confirmation. This way you can be sure that you will not be wrongly billed by the hotel.

-Don't depend solely on the hotel's alarm service. Carry your own little alarm clock to catch an early morning flight or that pre-dawn sightseeing trip.

-When you check into your hotel, ask the reception to give you a card with the hotel's name address and telephone number. This will come in handy if you get lost or forget the name of your hotel.

Check whether your hotel has a hair-dryer, iron, coffee percolator, etc, to avoid carrying these gadgets and also making it easy to skip the and also making it easy to skip the 110/220 conversion problem when travelling to foreign countries.

-Most hotels frown on guests doing their own laundry in the bathrooms, but if you do need to wash some smalls, carry a length of nylon twine


We all knew that we have to plan our journey well in advance.When you are travelling with in the country(INDIA) ,travelling by trains seems to be economical and stands a fairer alternative tothe road transport.

You have the advantage of even attending your natural calls and Even you can walk along if you are making a long journey. Even if you fall ill during your journey on railways,there are good medical facilities available .you need to inform your TTI (Travelling Ticket Inspector) and same information is passed on to the nearest railway health unit which is on the way.So you will be attended soon by a Railway doctor. Food is never a problem once you are travelling in a train.Most of the Trains are provided with PANTRY CARS which serve almost good quality food. Even IRCTC is planning to provide Internet(RAIL NET ) to those travelling in First class .

If you are hailing from a metro city you can book your journey tickets at any of the nearest train reservation points and this is advisable also as to avoid the rush at the main terminals because of the huge number of passengers travelling by trains.If you have an access to net you can book the tickets online from the Indian Railways on line portal http://www.irctc.co.in.

one needs to be a registered user to do this. You can also know the running & reservation information from the other website i.e., http://www.trainenquiry.com .you can also visit the other site http://www.indianrail.gov.in .

you need to have a credit card or ATM card to book the tickets online.When filling the reservation form at a reservation counter you might have faced the problem of finding the station codes and train numbers.


When you plan a Journey you need to decide on how to travel i.e., by road or Train or a Cab or you wanted to fly.Journey is a pleasant experience for everyone.So I advice you to plan well in advance & also decide the mode of transport by road or Train. If you are travelling by Bus you can travel by Govt.run road transport service ( KSRTC , TSRTC ,APSRTC etc....) or else there are a host of private travel agencies where you can book your journey tickets and travel.I will try to provide you the details of the Various Travel agents across the country of India.So that you can use this information.